Collie Battery Stage 1 in Western Australia started operating ahead of schedule, less than 18 months after the start of construction. Since October 1st, the battery has been delivering grid reliability services under contract with the Australian Energy Market Operator. The 219 MW / 877 MWh battery, the largest in Western Australia to date, will […]
Discover Careers in Renewable Energy!
Neoen has launched a new game, Futureville, to help students in Years 9 to 12 learn about all the possible careers in renewable energy. This free educational resource is available online on our Learning Hub website and can be used by parents, teachers and anyone looking to explain the diversity of opportunities present in this sector. […]
CONSTRUCTION STARTS ON STAGE 1 The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has awarded Neoen a 197 MW / 4-hour capacity services contract for Western Australia’s South-West Interconnected System (SWIS) This service will be delivered by Stage 1 of Collie Battery sized at 219 MW / 877 MWh, with the project having approval for a […]
On Tuesday the 6th of December, the Collie Battery Development Application (DA) received approval from the WA Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel. This now makes Collie Battery the largest battery project to receive Development Approval in WA which title was very recently held by the Muchea Battery. Neoen will begin working on the selection of […]
Information Session – 22 and 23 July 2022
Neoen will be holding a Community Drop-In Session to share project information and hear your thoughts on the proposed Collie Battery. Community Drop-In Session Details Venue: Collie Ridge Motel Function Centre, 185-195 Throssell St, Collie WA 6225 Date and Time: Friday 22 July, 4 pm to 6 pm & Saturday 23 July, 10 am to […]
What Does a Big Battery Do?
Ever wondered what a big battery does? Neoen and AusNet have made a wonderful animation that explores the many abilities of a grid-scale or big battery and the role they play in supporting the clean energy transition.
The Learning Hub Launch
We have recently developed the Learning Hub, an educational resource for local schools, as part of our community engagement. The Learning Hub is a stand-alone website with materials for Years 5-6 and another for Years 7-8, both centred around electricity and renewable energy. Developed by an experienced science curriculum writer, each module contains 3 topics […]
VBB Starts Operating
Neoen are delighted to announce that the start of operations for the Victorian Big Battery! The project was officially opened by The Hon Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change on Wednesday 8th December. ‘The Victorian Government is proud to flick the switch on Australia’s biggest battery which will help protect our […]